Noodle This: Steph's Favorite Things 2024
The first list of Steph's Favorite things, featuring Noodle This.
Single and Open: A Pep Talk
A pep talk for single folks, including encouragement to communicate and reconsidering your identity as single.
Complicating Green and Red Flags when Dating in Open Relationships
Red flags and green flags can be helpful when dating, but they can also be harmful. Let's complicate a few common red and green flags to understand differing perspectives.
Single and Polyamorous Dating Communication
Ultimately, communicating about being single and polyamorous includes two key components: 1. Outlining what you want, 2. Saying what you want out loud.
Intentional Rituals
The Power of Relationship Rituals
Intentional rituals can add value to romantic relationships - monogamous or otherwise.
Three Steps to Build Better Routines (for Relationships and for Ourselves)
How routines help to create stability for ourselves and our relationships.
Long Distance Relationships and Setting Expectations: An Activity
Four Resources for Long Distance Relationships
Four resources for those in long distance relationships.
Three Tips for Long Distance Relationships
Consider these three tips to make long distance relationships sustainable.
Dating Strategy
Dating in the Time of Open Relationships: Four Tips for Romantic Success
Four tips to consider when deciding to date in open relationships.